You may be wondering if this is your time to get SMART. The easy answer is that there is no wrong time to create a plan to focuses on eliminating debt and building wealth. Not only is it never too late to get started, but with the power of compounding at play, it’s never too soon!
You’re ready to get out of debt, and we can help make that happen. This SMART resource works for mortgages, auto loans, student loans, credit cards and any other form of amortized debt (debt paid over time).
Find out what percentage of your debts go to paying just interest using the calculator below (include all of your debts to see what your effective interest cost is on your next month’s payments).
Enter each of your debts along with their current balance, minimum monthly payment (please don’t include additional principal payments) and the loan interest rate. Once you’ve entered all of your loans, click the “Calculate My Effective Interest Cost” button at the bottom of the page.
At the end of the day, we all want to secure a better financial future for ourselves and our families. That’s what SMART is ultimately about. It’s not a secret scheme to get rich quick or a hyped-up shady tax loophole. It’s about good old-fashioned smart planning, with modest portions of your accumulated wealth for a tricky new economic outlook.
If you’re ready to invest the time to think a little outside the old financial planning and asset management box, this site will help you understand tax diversification, and what tax awareness may contribute to your retirement.
Learn how 401k plans shift responsibility onto you, the employee, and the tax costs from your 401k you’ll need to cover in your retirement.
Learn the impact of taxation on your retirement and the income you c an safely withdraw from your retirement accounts. It might surprise you!</4>
Click below to learn what find out what percentage of your money has not been taxed yet but will!
Let’s talk! You’re not going to hit a ridiculously long phone menu when you call us. Your email isn’t going to the inbox abyss, never to be seen or heard from again. We provide the exceptional service we’d want to experience ourselves!
Use the form below to drop us an e-mail.
Old-fashioned phone calls work too!
The Money Edge Process
The Money Edge Process follows 3 main steps

The first step, The “Good Fit” Conversation, is a holistic approach and discovery of your financial situation, your risks, and your goals. On this call, we’ll ask what your objectives are and what obstacles you’re facing now. The object of this call is to paint a picture of where you are and where you want to go. All in all, this will take a quick 10-15 minutes of your time and you decide if our team is the right fit to help you build financial security.

If you decide to begin your wealth journey, we’ll work out your starting point and develop a clear path forward. Using this information, we’ll create a complete debt elimination and long-term savings plan for you – we call this your Financial Blueprint.
For those with debt, we’ll show you step-by-step how and when you will become debt free. We’ll work through strategies to accelerate debt repayment and ensure you’re diverting surplus cash flows to pay down the right debt. We’ll look at which debts are attracting the most interest and which are of lower priority. The goal is to minimize your interest payments and maximize your cash flow which will help you pay off your loans 2-3 times faster than if you didn’t have a plan.
In this phase, thinking like a bank allows you to protect your money, earn guaranteed uninterrupted compound interest, and save like the wealthy. We’ll show you how to implement this same process in your life, and we’ll even do the paperwork for you!

The final step is The Implementation. After carefully analyzing and adjusting your plan to best suit your needs, it is now time to put it into action. In this phase, you start keeping more of the money you make.
You’re on your way to financial freedom! Enjoy peace of mind that you have found the right solution the first time with professional support.

The Money Edge Process
We follow 3 main steps

The first step, The “Good Fit” Conversation, is a holistic approach and discovery of your financial situation, your risks, and your goals. On this call, we’ll ask what your objectives are and what obstacles you’re facing now. The object of this call is to paint a picture of where you are and where you want to go. All in all, this will take a quick 10-15 minutes of your time and you decide if our team is the right fit to help you build financial security.

If you decide to begin your wealth journey, we’ll work out your starting point and develop a clear path forward. Using this information, we’ll create a complete debt elimination and long-term savings plan for you – we call this your Financial Blueprint.
For those with debt, we’ll show you step-by-step how and when you will become debt free. We’ll work through strategies to accelerate debt repayment and ensure you’re diverting surplus cash flows to pay down the right debt. We’ll look at which debts are attracting the most interest and which are of lower priority. The goal is to minimize your interest payments and maximize your cash flow which will help you pay off your loans 2-3 times faster than if you didn’t have a plan.
In this phase, thinking like a bank allows you to protect your money, earn guaranteed uninterrupted compound interest, and save like the wealthy. We’ll show you how to implement this same process in your life, and we’ll even do the paperwork for you!

The final step is The Implementation. After carefully analyzing and adjusting your plan to best suit your needs, it is now time to put it into action. In this phase, you start keeping more of the money you make.
You’re on your way to financial freedom! Enjoy peace of mind that you have found the right solution the first time with professional support.
We at The Money Edge believe you have a huge contribution to make to your family and community. However, we also believe that the #1 reason holding you back is due to your financial limitations. We are here to help you remove those limits. Imagine if you had a financial strategy that you KNEW would work NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENED in the markets and on Wall Street?
If you would like to know more about how we work, or would like to see what we can do for your situation, simply let us know. We’ll take the time to understand you and what you want to accomplish. Then, we’ll go to work building an iron-clad plan and creating a step-by-step blueprint to get you there.
We Teach The Secrets of The Money Game

Debra Hanson | (407) 304-7975
Debra Hanson is a Co-Founder & Strategist at The Money Edge. She is a Safe Money Advisor who is 1 part Coach, 2 parts Entrepreneur and 3 parts Market Fanatic and prior Hedge Fund Accountant who can read a balance sheet! Personal finance is her passion, and families and small business owners her people!
“We have created a team of people who can open the doors to eliminating debt while building wealth without the headaches and heart aches involved!”